Old Man with a Hemorrhagic Stroke
Old Man with a Hemorrhagic Stroke
by Joseph Gascho
They paged from Emergency and I rushed
there to find him weak as a lamb on the left
and strong as his usual lion on his right, saying garbage
when he meant garage (maybe) and I was sad
but I was glad I’d put him on the blood thinner
that the books and the lawyers said I should for
his fibrillating heart, thinking how I’d fret had I not pushed
the pill that was supposed to stop the clots
from breaking from the heart and heading to the head.
And then the scan came back that showed instead of clots
it was the blood itself, burst from the pipe,
that stroked the brain. Blood that had leaked
because he took the pill to thin the blood. The pill
I’d put him on. The pill he asked me time and time
why he should take. I’d talked about the odds,
said yes, the pill might make him bleed into his head
but chance of that was less by four the chance of clots
if he’d not take the pill. He said you are the doc.
And now he smiles and shakes my hand,
says you are the dog.
Hippocrates Anthology, 2018, p 30.. (Commended poem).